Solent Stevedores is a multi-award winning private specialist port operator working throughout the UK, Channel Islands, and Singapore.

The company operates long-term contractual activities in the Port of Southampton, the River Thames, DP World London Gateway, the Port of St Helier in Jersey, the Port of Immingham, Singapore and the Port of Saint-Malo. Our highly skilled, motivated and flexible workforce strives to deliver a continuous high level of service across a wide range of port related activity.
Operating from 13 terminals, handling a diverse range of commodities and with a permanent workforce in excess of 180 personnel, Solent Stevedores is a market leader in the provision of Port services in the UK

Our highly skilled and flexible workforce strives to deliver customer service excellence, across highly diversified and responsive operations. We have an annual turnover over £30 million with expertise in Rail, Cruise Ships, Containers, Bulk Cargo and Project Cargo.

Our business has grown from a single terminal at the Port of Southampton in 2000 to 14 terminals internationally employing more than 200 full time staff across Dursley, Southampton, London Gateway, Tate & Lyle Sugars, Immingham, Jersey, Singapore and Saint-Malo. In 2007, Solent Stevedores entered a long-term agreement with Associated British Ports (ABP), owners of the Port of Southampton, to expand the multi-user bulk terminal and enhance facilities with a joint investment of £7m. The terminal is rail linked and there is a minimum of 11.7m of water available alongside at all times to accommodate a wide range of vessels – up to approximately 50,000 dwt.

Solent Stevedores operates according to customers’ requirements and together with ABP has developed a significant increase in trade. Expansion to our operations in Southampton incorporates multiple extensions to the bulks terminal and also development into new areas including Cruise Vessel Support and a significant upgrade of the Solent Rail Terminal.




Solent Stevedores predecessor, Consolidated Salt Ltd established at Sharpness Docks in Gloucestershire.



Solent Stevedores commences bulk handling operations at the Port of Southampton.



New partnership with Tate & Lyle sees operations commence at London Silvertown.



Start of cruise support operations for Carnival Cruise Line UK, handling luggage and supplies for some of the largest cruise vessels in the world.



Solent Stevedores wins nine-year contract to exclusively operate the Port of Jersey’s Ro-Ro and Lo-Lo terminals.



Bulk handling operations begin at the Port of Immingham, the UK’s largest port by tonnage



Intermodal container handling operations at one of the Port of Southampton’s principal rail terminals and delivery of Solent Stevedores first major Project Cargo service commence.



New next-generation container handling, storage and maintenance facility opens at DPW London Gateway, the UK’s most advanced integrated container port and logistics hub.



Solent Stevedores acquires Nam Seng Cargo and starts providing Cruise services at Marina Bay Cruise Centre and Singapore Cruise, Singapore.



Solent Rail Terminal Opens

  • 1997
  • 2000
  • 2008
  • 2010
  • 2012
  • 2015
  • 2016
  • 2018
  • 2018
  • 2024

OUR Team

Our award-winning team operates from 13 terminals across Southampton, Immingham, Silvertown London, DP World London Gateway, Jersey, Singapore and Saint-Malo.


Stuart Cullen

Stuart Cullen

Executive Chairman

Fiona Robson

Fiona Robson

Managing Director

Zak McElvenny

Zak McElvenny

Operations & Compliance Director




Glen Mourant

Glen Mourant

Operations Director, Jersey

Clive Thomas

Clive Thomas

Commercial Director

Hans Uiterdijk

Hans Uiterdijk

Operations Director, Saint-Malo Stevedores

Jon Williams

Jon Williams

Finance Director

Head Office

Vicki Lane

Vicki Lane

HR Manager

Raegan Robson

Raegan Robson

Finance Manager

Port of Southampton

Ray Facey

Ray Facey

Commercial Manager

Doug Webb

Doug Webb

Bulks Operations Manager

Perry Dack

Perry Dack

Cruise Operations Manager

Richard Powell

Richard Powell

Rail Operations Manager

Chris Jones

Chris Jones

Group Maintenance Manager

Ports of Jersey

Greg England

Greg England

Compliance/Administration Manager


Benjamin Chau

Benjamin Chau

Operations Manager

Port of Immingham

Ian Roberts

Ian Roberts

Operations Manager

Silvertown, London

Dan Smith

Dan Smith

Operations Manager

London Gateway

Mike Mustoe

Mike Mustoe

Operations Manager


Solent Stevedores is committed to operating responsibly and minimising our environmental footprint. Many of our operations can only take place under strict licensing conditions granted by the Environment Agency. Unusually for a company of our size, we have a dedicated compliance team, headed by Zak McElvenny, who ensures that all of our operations are carried out responsibly and safely. We are ISO 14001 certificated for environmental management and are also stakeholders and active contributors to the Port of Southampton Clean Air Forum and members of The Solent Cluster. Our commitment to the environment does not stop there, and Solent Stevedores is very much at the forefront of the industry; we are continually looking for opportunities to invest in the latest technology and equipment to reduce our emissions and impact on the environment.
Electric fork trucks

In January 2019 we took delivery of 37 fully electric counter balance fork lift trucks, and also operate a fleet of PHEV maintenance vans in the Port of Southampton, reducing our carbon emissions across our Cruise Services division to almost zero.

Data driven efficiency

Furthermore, we have partnered and invested in new technology with the data analytics firm Dynamon, who have created an industry first dashboard system for our Container Terminal operations, incentivising our drivers to operate in the most efficient way possible.

Monitored emissions

At our bulks terminal in Southampton, we use the latest technology to monitor our noise, dust, and air quality emissions, along with infrared cameras to monitor hot spots during cargo operations. To find out more, please get in touch.


Trade Assurance Scheme for Combinable Crops

TASCC was developed because farmers and end users wanted to be sure that crops of grain, oilseeds and pulses were treated responsibly once they left the farm. The scheme is audited and certified by an independent certification body, in accordance with the internationally recognised standard EN45011.

TASCC is recognised within the food industry as being essential to maintaining traceability of assured combinable crops after they have left the farm. The Scheme comprises a Scheme Manual and four codes of practice (Storage, Haulage, Merchants and Testing Facilities). The Storage Scheme is operated to a joint scheme with the Grain and Feed Trade Association (GAFTA) covering combinable crops and feed materials.


Visit: the Agricultural Industries Confederation


Environmental, Quality and Health & Safety policies available on request. To view our Privacy and Data Retention Policies in line with GDPR regulations.

Visit: Legal and Privacy



Solent Stevedores works to strict standards and procedures, as reflected by our Southampton operation ISO9001 Quality Management and ISO14001 Environmental Management certification.

ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems
SGS is the world’s leading inspection, verification, testing and certification company. ISO 9001 certification ensures our quality management systems meet international standards.


View Certificate

ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems
We manage our environmental aspects and impacts to ISO14001 standards, verified by world leader, SGS.


View Certificate


Keep in touch with our latest news and announcements

Record breaking month for London Gateway team

Record breaking month for London Gateway team

The team handling London Gateway operations has seen a record-breaking month in January. Based at the UK’s most advanced integrated container port and logistics hub, the team moved 8,795 boxes in the month with a TEU level of 3940 - the highest numbers in the seven...

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Investment into cruise infrastructure

Investment into cruise infrastructure

Our cruise stevedoring team has further boosted resilience, safety, and security of our cruise infrastructure by introducing a number of improvements to the team’s equipment. As part of the ongoing investment in our cruise infrastructure and facilities Solent...

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Setting the right standards at Solent Stevedores

Setting the right standards at Solent Stevedores

Following a thorough external auditing process by a UKAS accredited body, the team in Southampton has been successful in achieving certification or ISO 9001, 14001 and 45001.  The audit process looks at all operational and management standards across cruise, bulks,...

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